
Is Hello Fresh food subscription worth the cost?

Since I have been working very long hours, my eating has not been the healthiest. I will grab whatever I can find at the time because I am starving, even if it is means going through a drive through late at night, because I am too exhausted to make anything when I get home.

food subscription service

I have read on several blogs lately about food subscription boxes, so I thought I’d give it a try. I had a coupon for my first shipment of Hello Fresh. I received three meals that were supposed to make two servings in each box for $34. It was for the vegetarian meals. I am not a vegetarian but I do try to eat that way a few times a week. Also I thought this would be a great way to ensure that I am getting my veggie intake, since I have been eating so poorly lately. The meals arrived in a cardboard box with two big ice packs. The three meals were skillet Chilaquiles, Portobello Burgers, and Basil Pesto Tagliatelle. Each meal was in an individual box as well.

  1.  The first meal I tried was the skillet Chilaquiles.
food subscription service

I love Mexican, so this was perfect. I took all the ingredients out of the box and thought it didn’t look like enough for two people. But I have to say, everything did look fresh. There was a tomato, a lime, radishes, etc. Every ingredient you needed for that meal was in the box. I thought for sure I would have needed to add something from my pantry to it, but I didn’t. The only thing I added was oil to heat up the pan.  

The recipe was very easy to follow and the timing was pretty accurate. The meal was prepared within the 30 minutes.  It called for an oven safe pan, but I wasn’t sure if mine was, so I didn’t want to take a chance. So instead of finishing it off in the oven, I poured the ingredients over the chips and topped it with cheese to melt it in the microwave.  

Another thing that I liked was that there were no wasted ingredients. It was just enough for what you needed. I hate when you make new recipes and you just need a dash of this or a pinch of that, and you have to by the whole jar, and you don’t end up using it again.

I didn’t think the price was bad at all. Considering I cannot even go to the grocery store and get away that cheap and have several meals.

I was very happy with my first round of subscription boxes. My only complaint was that I didn’t feel the portions were accurate, because I ended up eating the whole meal in one sitting, when it clearly states that it is meant for two. Maybe these meals aren’t for runners. 

Food service subscription

 Some of the other meals I made from the first and second Hello Fresh boxes.

2.  Zucchini and smoky bean quesadillas.

3. Portobello Mushroom burgers. I didn't use the bun. I put it on a salad and ate both portions in one setting.

4. Basil Pesto Tagliatella Pasta. This was good and I ended up having three servings.

5. Vegetarian Paella. This was good but needed a protein with it. I know it was vegetarian but I bet it would have been better to add chicken to it.

The subscription boxes were going to keep coming until I decided to cancel them. Since I was pleased with my first round, I wanted to try it one more week to see what other meals I received. Also I wasn’t sure how much it was going to be after my first week when I received the discount so had to know what I was going to be charged from here on out.  My next boxes came, and they did not disappoint either. The meals were just as good and very flavorful with the spices and herbs that come with each meal. I found out that the meals were going to be $59 each week now.  I had some decision making to do. Yes, I like the meals. They are very convenient and tasty, but are they worth the money? I decided that I was going to cancel my subscription. Since I haven’t tried any other food services yet, I thought I’d take advantage of some discounts they would offer when you first sign up then decide which one I like better. 
Have you ever had a food subscription service? If so, which one and what did you think?  L
                                    We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5.


  1. LOL on the portion size not being for runners! I'm intrigued by Hello Fresh, but when I get home after 7, I don't even want to spend 1/2 hour fixing dinner - I'd rather microwave an Amy's Frozen entree.

  2. I was wondering if the portion was going to cover your appetite! I tend to eat big portions. I suppose if I just had money to burn on the convenience of the delivered meals, I would do it. But I'd rather spend my money elsewhere. Plus, I rarely spend a 1/2 hour preparing a single meal!

    1. I eat big portions as well. They didn't take as long as I thought they would to make, which is always nice.

    2. I eat big portions as well. They didn't take as long as I thought they would to make, which is always nice.

  3. I haven't tried Hello Fresh yet but that's too bad the portion sizes don't seem accurate. I've only tried Sun Basket and it was pretty good. It's a little pricey but convenient.

    1. That seems to be the norm. We have to pay the price for convenience.

    2. That seems to be the norm. We have to pay the price for convenience.

  4. I would also worry about the portion sizes for something like this! I think Rob and I typically eat more than a regular serving each so not sure it would work for us. But it sounds like you found some good meals! I think the discount price sounds good but I probably wouldn't be willing to pay full price for this either.

    1. I am glad I was not feeding another person, or I would be disappointed.

  5. I tried Hello Fresh and it did not work for us- I have a beef allergy and there is no where to list that. I got busy one week and did not pick my meals and I got 2 I could not eat :( I think I will try a couple others though- like you said the intro coupon deals make it hard to pass up!

    1. These ones I tried were all vegetarian. I didn't pick any of the meals out but they were all tasty.

  6. I tried Hello Fresh a few months ago and I was very satisfied with the food - it was super yummy and fresh! I live alone so I canceled my subscription because it was a little expensive for just oen person.

    1. Yes it is expensive, but very fresh. Guess we get what we pay for.

  7. I've never tried one but would be interested in Hello Fresh! Your meals sounded tasty! By the way, I spy a hidden Mickey in picture #4! :D

    1. That is so funny that you say that, because my sister said the same thing, Guess Disney minds think alike:)

  8. I have tried a few of these meals and I do think they are good for people who don't like to or have time to shop for ingredients but want to make healthy foods. They do take a while to prepare for a weeknight though

    1. They didn't take as long to prepare as I thought they would.

  9. Haha! Runger is fo-realz!!! I think this is such a great food option. I would have loved this when I was younger.

    1. I think so too. Healthy fresh meals, however, a little pricey.

  10. I've always wondered about meal delivery services. I like to cook but am bad at meal planning. Might be worth a try!

  11. "Maybe these meals aren’t for runners" made me laugh so much - and hey - maybe YOU'VE hit on a new meal subscription service idea?!

    1. Haha. Maybe I just need to get that Runner's World cookbook.

  12. i've always wondered about these subscription services. Not sure it's cost effective enough for me but glad you tried it and got some good meals out of the deal. Your comments about portion sizes are hysterical.

    1. I do not do well with portion control. I need to work on that.

  13. I tried Hello Fresh and liked it, but felt that it was worth it at the discounted price but not worth it at the normal price. I didn't feel like it saved me much time since we had to go to the grocery store any way for lunches, snacks, etc. and I'm fairly experienced at cooking. I can definitely see how it could be useful for someone who wasn't so used to meal planning, cooking, etc.

    1. Since getting that service, I have not been to the grocery store in three week.

  14. I've never tried the food subscription service but have been curious about them. Your meals look great but man are they expensive!

  15. Agreed! The first week at the lower price is always worth it but then...not so much!

    1. Exactly! That is why I am moving on to the next one.

  16. I've tried both Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. I've liked them a lot and no meal has disappointed yet, but the price is really high at $9 per meal. But I have found having a healthy option is probably worth the money. What I have been doing is the 2 meals that serve 4 people. I have one fresh and box the others up for lunch and dinner through the week. I do get tired of the meal by the 4th serving, but I'm cooking less, which is what I like. But I agree, I like how there is no waste (unless I don't like something, like onions). I try to get it once or twice a month so I know I'll be eating healthy a little through the month.

    1. Good to know about the Blue Apron. I want to try that one next.

  17. I wondered about Hello Fresh.
    Someone just gave me a trial for Plated - which they told me that its more gourmet - which scares the life out of me. I'm no gourmet cook... but I'll try 3 recipes for free.
    I'm like you - I love nothing is wasted, but the price. Ouch. & I hate all the packaging. All the boxes & containers. That freaks my recycling heart out.

    1. I have heard of Plated. You'll have to let us know what you think.

  18. I hadn't considered a meal service because there are seven of us. Anyone with a big family know if it's worth it? Great intel. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Meal services for that many in a family probably is not worth it.

  19. I havent tried a food subscription box yet because of the cost-the discount you got sounded good but the regular price is a bit pricey!

    1. Yes it is, but I feel like you can always find a coupon somewhere to use.

  20. I did Hello Fresh with a groupon, and enjoyed it - but didn't feel it was worth the price at full price. I just tried Blue Apron last week, and enjoyed the flavors more but the same problem - not worth it at full price. I also wanted just one portion of leftovers!

    1. Glad to hear that Blue Apron made enough for leftovers.

  21. I tried a subscription service many years ago and can't even remember which company it was. It was convenient because I only had to cook for myself (this was when my husband was deployed and I just had a baby) with the ingredients already prepared. However, nowadays I have to prepare a meal for 4 so it's more cost effective to cook a big meal with leftovers for the following day so I don't have to cook every day!
    It's a great idea to take advantage of the discounts from other competitors since there are so many options and see which ones you like best.

    1. That's the plan. May try Blue Apron next. It is only me, so that makes it easier.

  22. I trialled that Green Blender smoothie service and I really liked it. But it was so expensive. You do pay for convenience. Now I just plan out my smoothies for the week and buy everything I need. That's what I do with meal planning too.

  23. I haven't tried a food subscription service only because they are usually pretty expensive. Love the idea though. Sounds so nice to have everything shipped to you with all the ingredients and the right amounts. I too hate having to buy a whole jar of something that in the recipe only asks for a teaspoon and then you don't use it again and it goes to waste.

  24. I've found that the Hello Fresh meals that we have gotten are way better with regards to portions than the Blue Apron meals. I've done Hello Fresh 2x and we are going to get it again in a few months when we aren't traveling and have a kitchen! I like that they incorporate so much fresh produce and don't cook EVERYTHING so you have a mix of things!

  25. I haven't tried Hello Fresh but didn't love Blue Apron. I found the portions small and the prep to take way longer than advertised. I have tried a local food subscription service and loved that one!

  26. I tried blue apron b/c someone sent me a week of free meals, and I loved how it gave the perfect proportions of everything, however like you I don't think the meal for 2 would feed me and my husband. He eats a LOT of food. So we would have to get the 3 or 4 person plan and that drives the cost way up and that isn't worth it to me.


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