
Weekly Wrap...Guilt Edition

Do you ever feel guilty about not getting a run in? You have it planned and then life just gets in the way. I can attest to that lately. After working 12 hour shifts at work, running is the last thing I want to do. Even though I have not been getting my runs in that I’d like to, I still feel like I am getting enough activity in. I still manage to get at least 20,000 steps in on days at work when I do not run. So I guess I am doing okay.  

So my runs are taking a backseat. Do you feel when an area in life is not going the way you’d like, that another one suffers as well? That brings me to my second thing I am feeling guilty about, is my eating. Since I have been having no time for my runs, I have had no time to be cooking my meals either. I will sleep in until 10:30am and have to be to work by 12(I live 30 mins from work). So by the time I shower and get ready, I am running out the door. Dunkin Donuts drive through it is on the way to work. I get to work and there is never any time to eat. I may have a granola bar or pack of gummies, but that’s it. When I get off at 12 of course I am starving, and the only place that is open on the way home is Taco Bell Drive Thru. I know not the healthiest, but I am so hungry at the time and I do not want to make anything at home that I end up eating it on the drive home.  This seems to be a vicious cycle for my 3-4 day stretch at work. 

Earlier this week and I could not even sleep in because I had an appointment in the morning. I actually woke up before my alarm(which always stinks), so I decided since I was up I should probably run, because if I don’t run now, I will not do it later because it will either be too hot or I won’t be able to pass up a text from my friend that wants to go to the beach. Getting it out of the way first thing is always the best. I thought my legs would feel really heavy for not running for a few days, but it was the complete opposite. I felt great and my legs felt very refreshed. I did 3 miles and felt like I could have continued longer had it not been for my appointment I had. 

After my appointment my friend did end up asking to go to the beach. I thought to myself, I am glad I ran earlier. We had a relaxing day at the beach then had a late lunch afterwards. I arrived home that evening and ended up doing another 4 miles with my running buddy, and then I had a salad for dinner. So even though I don’t keep up with my running and/or eating on days I work, I’d like to think that I do a good job on my days off. Besides, I am not training for anything right now, and as long as I keep a decent base I need to be happy with that.   
Do you ever feel guilty when you get out of you routine?   -L

We are linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap!


  1. I definitely do better all around with food and exercise when I stay on my schedule. Having said that, we all fall off the wagon from time to time :)

  2. Yes, I think every runner must have a guilt moment or two for missing a scheduled run. However, a break after a race or illness is always a good thing. Yay for going to the beach and enjoying a summer day with a friend. On another note, could you prepare a bunch of food on your days off so you would not have to visit DD and TB so frequently?

  3. I used to feel guilty, but unless I am skipping it out of pure laziness, I just see it as one of those things when life gets in the way. My life is more than running, so I am okay with that.

  4. Oh yes! I am a routine kind of person, so sometimes I get really thrown off by not doing my routine. It always seems to work out in the end though.

  5. I get out of my running routine when I travel and I used to feel guilty about it, but I'm pretty consistant the rest of the time, so I can let it go now. That said, if I didn't get up and run early in the morning, I wouldn't do it...I'm not a daytime/afternoon/evening runner at all. And besides, if I had a friend asking me to go to the beach, I'm picking beach over a run. Unless I could run at the beach...hmmm. ;)

  6. I'm right there with you, Lacey. My workouts have not been able to happen as planned lately, and I've been feeling really guilty about it. Part of me wonders if the guilt is from not wanting to put it down in writing, but then I remind myself that one of the main reasons that I started blogging was to hold myself accountable with my workouts. All we can do is do the best that we can. Nobody is perfect and there will always be interruptions to the schedule.

    1. Yes here are. I guess just knowing how to handle those interruptions is half the battle.

  7. I sometimes feel guilty, but there are days that I know I can't get a run in. If I'm not training for anything, I feel better, and chalk it up to an extra rest day, or get some strength training done instead.

    1. I am still really active when I don't get my runs in so I can't beat myself up over it.

  8. I completely understand the vicious cycle of being so busy that you can't run, then not eating as well and not staying as health-focused as a result. It's really tough! But great job on pushing through on that early-morning run and just getting it done! That's the best way to break the cycle and I am glad you felt so good that you could have kept going after 3 miles. It's those runs that keep us motivated over the long haul, yes?

  9. Yes I do feel guilty when I am in a bad cycle of some sort of bad habit. Then I try to remind myself that it's hard to keep up with EVERYTHING all the time, and it's okay if something falls by the wayside for a little bit. I always pick it back up. And also, as healthy/fit people, even if we fall out of routine, there are probably a billion other healthy things we do! Like you said, you may not have been running but you were getting all your steps in PLUS SOME during work since you're on your feet and moving around a lot. It's not like you were in a lazy boy watching tv and eating taco bell for 3 meals a day... because they have bfast now right??? So you totally could!

  10. I feel like I can only be good at 2 or 3 things at a time. So if work is busy and demanding, house stuff, other hobbies, and running can take a hit. I go thru running and eating ruts a few times a year, but it seems like it evens out in the end. I'd only feel guilty if I was completely avoiding workouts. And if that's the case, a break is probably necessary anyway!

  11. I have definitely felt guilty with missed runs but sometimes life happens. It is definitely hard when you are working 12 hour days. I hear you with only eating granola bars or gummy bears because thats all you time for, it happens to me all the time (and the 10:30/11pm taco bell runs). I always say I'm going to be better about bringing healthy snacks to work and I haven't done it yet.

  12. this post is everything right now! I am so out of my running and workout routine and just trying to hold on and make it better! I started to feel guilty but realized with my crazy schedule with taking classes, writing a dissertation, working and traveling, I am doing the best I can. a little is better than nothing

  13. I think if you're so busy that running feels like an added stress, then missing some runs isn't a bad thing! Sometimes we just need to take a break or an unscheduled rest day. Try not to feel guilty! You have your entire life ahead of you to run; it will still be there when you have the time for it!

    1. Hey I never thought of that. I just think when I take several days off in a row that next run is always going to feel rough.

  14. If you are not training for anything, I say there is nothing to feel guilty about. You have pretty long days as it is! I think I was exhausted just reading everything you do in one day!

    1. Haha. Yes no races are on the schedule so that is a good thing.

  15. I think if you're working 12-hour days, you can't expect to do a lot else! You're getting in a lot of general activity, so that's a huge win. Definitely don't feel guilty!

  16. I totally hear ya!
    I find oddly when I am not working out I also easily dont eat the best. I swear its a mind thing for me lol.
    I work 10 hr shifts and yeah its hard to find the energy to go after. I wish I could go earlier but for me its just too dark out...
    But hey you have your base so its not going to hurt ya all that much, so ypur lucky there!

  17. I always feel guilty when I get out of my routine aka miss a run. Always. I tell myself it's ok, but it just doesn't feel right. Like not brushing my teeth.

  18. YES I know this feeling all too well, especially right now. There are some days that spending time with my little boy trumps a run. I love that you get 20,000 steps at work! I'm on my feet a lot too but don't get nearly that many!

  19. I think I feel more guilty about the bad eating habits. When I'm crunched for time or simply exhausted, I don't cook. The guilt comes from the fact that it's so expensive to eat out AND it's not healthy AND it's my responsibility as a Mom to feed my kids better. Triple whammy! I can't imagine working 12 hour shifts. That's tough. Thanks for linking with us Lacey.

  20. It's really a snowball effect isn't it. Seems like when I miss a run, that is also when I don't eat as well either. Or someone makes that once in a year cake or pie. You know the one where you simply must have some! Even after you've already had too much other stuff.
    With it being so hot I am getting in my runs mostly in the mornings before life gets in the way and because if I go home you can forget a run afterwards.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.