
Finding Balance

Do you have a hard time finding a balance between fitting your runs in and getting enough sleep? Lately I have been getting off work very late, so therefore have not been able to get up to get my long runs completed in the mornings.

The other day at work,
I lucked out and got finished by 6pm (opposed to midnight, like usual).  What to do with my free night? Well my friends had invited me to an event that was taken place on the beach. By the time  I arrived, it was practically over and a most of my friends had left. A few said that they were planning to go out afterwards. By this time it was almost 8pm and I was tired because of working all day that I just wanted to go home and relax and get a good night sleep to get up and finally get a long run in. Is it wrong that going to bed early to get up for a run rather than going out with friends makes me happy, or just old? Anyway, that is just what I did. I went home, poured a glass of wine, relaxed in a Jacuzzi tub, and went to bed. It ended up being a lovely evening. Did I mention my

friends were not runners? So of course I couldn’t say
that’s why I wanted to leave.

The next morning I got up at 6am and was out the door by 7am with my running buddy. He is training for a marathon in Tennessee in July. It starts at 12am, isn’t that crazy?
 The time goes by so much faster when you have

someone to chat with along the way. I had told him I was a little sore after teaching Body Pump class the other day. He had told me he was also tight after racing a 10k the day before. Throughout the run we continue to ask each other how the other one was doing. Towards the end of the run, he  had asked me again, and I said “great”. Before getting a chance to ask him, he had taken a tumble. I asked him if he was hurt, and he said “just my ego”.  Luckily no one was around. We ended the run with 14 miles. Overall it was a great run and I was happy to have finally gotten my long run in.

That same day I had to be to work by 12pm and I did not get off until 12am. Surprisingly I was not tired, but I knew if I had sat down at all, I would have crashed. By the end of the day I ended up with 44,369 steps, that equaled out to just over 19 miles for the day, my highest yet. -L

Do you have a hard time finding balance?
If you have a fitness tracker, what have been your
highest steps?


  1. Holy cow, 14 miles?? That's impressive!!! Glad it was such a good run for you and your buddy, despite his fall.

  2. My balance challenge happens whenever the kids' schedules change, which it just has with the end of the school year. It's tough sometimes to shift gears and find a new workout schedule that works around everybody else's.

    1. I'm sure balancing your schedule with kids is a challenge in itself.

  3. I'm definitely struggling with this. I had my routine down, and then having a bay changed everything. Five months later I still don't feel like I have a routine figured out. Hopefully sooner than later we'll get into a rhythm that works well for us where I don't constantly feel like I'm struggling to fit it all in.

    1. I can't imagine fitting everything in with having an infant. But you do a great job!

  4. I'm really struggling with finding balance right now. Since my son broke his leg and we got the puppy, my free time is down to zero. It's been really hard and I'm pondering what I need to give up. Matthew gets out of school this week, and I won't have to drive him anymore so that might help. We'll see.

  5. I think everyone struggles with balance every day. SO many things to do - always.
    I much prefer the sleep & rest to get up & go the next day myself. Priorities is what its called - not getting old :)
    12am marathon? WHAT? That's crazy!!!

    1. Yeah how about it? That's what I told him.

    2. Make sure you take a nap to follow me online... I still need to figure some stuff out and have to get my night training runs in. It's a sense of adventure.. Still not sure why my parents don't me want me to call them when I am finished to let them know I am ok.

    3. Yes I will definitely be following you. Heck I'll probably just be getting off work at that time.

  6. I definitely struggle with this. It is really hard to fit in running and a social life. People who don't run don't understand leaving leaving or not drinking because of training or a race.

    1. I know right? I deal w that often in my other crowd of friends.

  7. I struggle with the sleep but not really because of balance issues. For some reason my sleep patterns seem to come in waves and after our trip to London in April, I could not sleep past 4am. Keeping running quiet from non running friends can be a challenge, particularly when you are out to dinner or at a party. No fun being the party poop!

  8. I think sometimes running makes us happier than staying up late! :) I go to bed around 8-9pm every night so I can get up to run before work. I know I am always happier when I get that done first thing. I NEVER go out on school nights because I NEED my sleep!

  9. It can be challenging to balance it all. Non runners do not always understand. I say you do what makes you feel good and not worry what they think. I've started to do this and I am so much happier

  10. I've gotten better about finding balance. This past weekend we got in from DC and I had a graduation party on Saturday night to attend. We went but left early, and I only had one drink, so I could get my morning run in the next day. I told my friends I had a run; they've learned to accept it haha!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.