
A Breakthrough....

I've started to run a 2 mile loop around my trail. It's an easy start to help me get back into running yet in away it's not that "easy" of a route because this path is not a traditional running trail.

I usually
walk this route but not run it.  It's in the woods, it's dirt, there are some grassy patches, and lots of tree roots, rogue rocks, and wildlife to watch out for.  It's not ideal, but it's peaceful and at this point in my running I don't feel confident enough to run out in the park in front of all the people at the soccer fields.  In any case, it's working for me.

I've done this route several times last week but when I got there on Thursday I realized I had forgotten my Garmin watch. Oh No!   I was kind of pressed for time so I didn't want to go back home and get it.  Previously when my watch would die on a run, I would just stop and start walking.  I hated the fact that it would not accurately record the entire run so I would think "Whats the point?"

 I totally know that is the wrong attitude to have.  So anyway, this day I thought about just walking a few laps around the soccer fields instead but then I remembered that since I already ran this exact trail this week, I knew exactly how long it was, 2 miles.  I didn't need my Garmin. Okay, I would be fine on this run. I knew how far it was and that's all that matters right?  BUT THEN.... I remembered I still had my Nike Plus app.  O gosh I hadn't used that in YEARS.

As I started running, I felt so free!  So this is what it feels like to "run naked" as they say.  I wasn't worried about looking down at my watch every few minutes to compare my pace to my mileage. I heard the lady in my earphones tell me when I got to the half mile mark, the half way mark, and then when I was nearing the end.  Even though I had no idea what my pace was, I didn't mind hearing her voice telling me how far I had gone.

In the end, I did check the app to see my stats. My pace was actually lower than when I was wearing my Garmin, but I didn't care.  I know I say that I don't care about pace, which is true, but in a way I DO care what it is because I like having that data. I don't CARE what it is but I want to KNOW what it is. Does that make sense?   Oh, and by the way, I was worried about the Nike app not being accurate, but it was quite accurate the day I used it.  -M

We will be linking this post up with TOTR.


  1. At least you had the app so you had some days to record. I completely I understand, I'm no speed demon so I don't really care about the pace, but I still need to know what it is. I have to have the information at the end or I tend to feel like it's a waste too.

  2. I know exactly what you mean about not caring about the pace but wanting to know what it ultimately was for data purposes!

  3. I am like you. Some runs are faster and some are slower and I don't so much care about that, but I think I just like to see the number at the end for a sense of accomplishment. Plus I love numbers and am kind of a math nerd.

    1. That must me what it is, the number equals accomplishment!

  4. I'm with you 100% on not caring about the pace but wanting to know what it is! Just like you, if my Garmin dies during a run I start walking because "what's the point?!" Usually I'll walk home and re-start the run after my Garmin charges - or I'll run on the treadmill to finish it up if I don't have time to wait for the Garmin to charge!

    1. Haha, that makes me feel good that others feel that way too!

  5. Running naked is so liberating, but it is nice to have as a reference point. Striking that balance between knowing your pace and obsessing over it is so difficult, I'm glad you've reached that place. That trail looks gorgeous, btw.

  6. I totally get that....I don't always care about the pace, but I like to know, and I especially like to know my distance. I like to track my mileage.

    1. Yea me too. I'm a little behind on putting my stats in my running journal but at least they are saved on my Garmin (or other devices).

  7. It is so freeing to run and not worry about what the watch says! The trail run sounds like a nice and peaceful 2 miles - great job!

    1. I love that trail because of how peaceful it is! It's pretty cool when it's hot out too!

  8. I completely understand not caring but still wanting to know your pace! It's why I never got really into Garmins. My Nike+ works fine for me because I'm not usually a data-stickler. I just like to know approximates.

    That trail looks really pretty!

    1. It is really pretty! I like tracking the runs but perhaps I don't need to see the details while I'm running. It feels good to just see it at the end. Having the Garmin makes it too easy to just look down

  9. I have the same illogical relationship with my Garmin and it's data. Sometimes it does impact my mood if I'm slower than I wanted to be, both usually I just accept the information and move on. That trail sounds like a nice scenic route as long as you don't trip over a tree root and break your foot like I did last summer (hiking though). ;-)

    1. Luckily I haven't fallen. I've almost stumbled but caught myself. It's usually not that bad but every once in a while a root will sneak up on me!

  10. Trails can be fun to run on. I wish I could look up more when I'm on them, but those roots keep me looking down most of the time. Sight-seeing is nice, but not tripping is better!

  11. I have actually found myself liking running "naked". Occasionally I'll run without any technology at all, or just have Runkeeper up on my phone for final stats. That way I won't want to check it while I'm actually running. Your trail sounds really nice!

    1. That's exactly what I liked, not being able to look down and check it while I'm running!

  12. I feel the same way! I'm a numbers nerd but just for the sake of tracking not necessarily for getting faster.

  13. I totally hear ya...I want to know my pace (AFTER I'm done), but seldom ever care about it while in motion. I wear my GPS watch for some long runs, but I hate having all that info on my wrist....I do not want it there dictating my "performance."

  14. This is how I like to run. Sometimes it's good to just run...and not worry about anything else.

  15. Sounds like you found a great trail! It's gotten so hot here I was on the trails yesterday and will be more and more. I'm a take it or leave it kind of girl when it comes to the Garmin. But I do like having those stats in Garmin connect. : )

  16. There have been times I haven't "run naked", but my Garmin couldn't link up to the satellites and I turned off the GPS portion so I could still use the intervals. I even had to do that for a 5k, so I just listened for the beeps and didn't look down since it wasn't tracking distance.

  17. I used to be the same way... but lately I've been running my 3 mile loop just to run it. I have no idea my pace!! One day I'll get back into timing it again.

  18. I love runs without my Garmin. It helps me like running again when sometimes I hate it. But I do always have in the back of my mind, hmm, what's my pace? Then I have to tell myself to be quiet and just run :)

  19. Good to hear that you're running again and enjoying the trail. I do get a little obsessed with my Nike+ watch and I know I need to focus on the main point, enjoying the run!

  20. A lot of my runs I do just on feeling but I do like to have my data to look at as well. I am ok that some of my runs are slower or faster

  21. I enjoy running on the road vs. a trail and I completely understand what you mean about caring/not caring about pace. I'm the same way!

  22. Not caring but wanting to know totally makes sense to me.

    I wear my Vivoactive 24/7, but if I do have trouble with it (very rare), I'll still run. I'm not an all or nothing person.

    I've gotten pretty good at running with it and not watching pace on runs where I don't care what my pace is.

  23. How timely that I just posted about danglers and you just posted about not running with a watch. Haha! Even when I do run with a watch I rarely use it for pace. I just want to know how far I've run. :)

  24. I'm a data nerd too, but am finding I'm perfectly happy not knowing my pace every step of the way. Since my Garmin has been uncooperative lately, I've started using the Map My Run app - it's very freeing!

  25. I need to try running sans-GPS some time. I just get so hung up on the data side of things -- I love knowing how many miles I've run over the entire year. My husband never runs with GPS and sometimes asks me to map his route for him after a run -- and he always ends up going faster and farther than he expected!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.