
How Running Enhances Lives

You've all heard about how running can be beneficial to your health. Although I am sure that is true, I never started running to be healthy or to lose weight. To be honest, I have never experienced as much pain and discomfort and I've never visited more doctors, physical therapist, masseuse, and orthopedic surgeons than I have since I started running.  This running has been painful, expensive, and at times miserable but it has definitely enhance my life ten fold!

Because of running I have accomplished things I never thought that I could. I have gained a sense of confidence and pride in myself.

Because of running I have been able to spend quality time with family.  It's great to train with family, then accomplish something, and celebrate with them as well.

Because of running I've visited places that I never had a desire to visit otherwise.

Because of running I've expanded my circle of friends.

Because of running I've had more fun adventures.

Because of running I've encouraged others to run too (or maybe they just wanted a trip to Disney, IDK?)

Because of running I've been more conscientious of my nutrition.

Because of running I now see the beauty in the outdoors ( I was an inside gal before)

Because of running, we started this blog.

Because of running I have become a stronger person physically and mentally.

It is true that because of running I am probably enhancing my physical health (or perhaps just ruining my knees), so that part is debatable. But there is definitely no debate about how running has enhanced my life over all.  -M

We are linking up with the gals from TOTR


  1. Aw Meranda, all of this is so true for me too! Running has definitely enhanced my life even if lately it's messed up my knee a bit. Hope you have a great week! -C

    1. Yes, the only downside is that it makes us prone to injuries.

  2. My experience is so different from yours, but the net result is still positive like yours! I've had good things happen to my body and health since running, but the downside is that it's taken my time away from family since they don't run. And try as I might, I've never been able to convince any family or friends to run! But there are so many benefits I'm grateful for.

  3. Its funny because prior to starting to run I could never imagine running being a part of it, and now that I am a runner I can't imagine my life without it. Its amazing how much one activity can have such a huge impact on our lives.

  4. Great post! I totally agree with all of this. Running has really changed my whole life for the better too.

    1. Isn't it amazing how one activity can enhance our lives?

  5. I had to laugh at your first paragraph - yeah, running sure has opened up my world as of orthopedists, physical therapists, surgeons - and that's OK, because running really is a great thing in my life. :)

    1. LOL same here! But overall it has opened more bad things than good things. Hey what would PTs do without us runners? They need to make a living too!

    2. Yes, we've definitely got to know those in the medical field!

  6. Thank you for this post! I can say that because of running, I had not felt this healthy, yet I had not been in this level of pain either!

    I agree with your points, without running, I would be sitting inside wishing to have a good reason to go outside!

    Thanks! have an awesome day!

    1. I guess with running you take the good with the bad! Glad you are feeling healthy!

  7. I was shaking my head, YEP on most of these.
    So cool how running takes on a life of its own

  8. Great list! I agree that running has brought a lot of positives into my life. I definitely get more time with some friends I didn't see much before because we're running together. And I've been enjoying connecting with the outdoors more because I was also an indoors girl before.

    1. Yes, running has definitely got me out in less than ideal temperatures that I would have otherwise stayed indoors for!

  9. I love that I have had the opportunity to visit places I have never been before thanks to running!

  10. Love this, Meranda! Running has enhanced my life in so many ways. It's the best community, ever. Someone once described all runners as friends we haven't met yet, and I couldn't agree more. It's so enriching to be able to share in the experience of running with people all around the world!

  11. great things for sure! And it is nice you and your sister run together! I enjoy my alone time- I won't lie :) I have definitely made new friends and I love all the running adventures!

    1. We may run some races together but we don't always train together. That's OK though cus I think we both enjoy or own running time!

  12. Love this list! I think they're all pretty much true for me, in particular the confidence, nutrition, and enjoying the outdoors.

    1. I think I fist gained the confidence and then the rest followed!

  13. Running really does enhance the life. I started running races when I was in the 2nd grade and it wasn't until the last 3 years of not being able to do it because of a stupid injury on the job that I realized how much I miss it and all the great things that come from it.
    A few on your list are true for myself too.

  14. Amen sister to all! Running is the reason I started my blog as well. This sport has definitely taken us on some pretty wild adventures!

  15. Running has brought me outside.... I was a gym rat for years and now I crave nature and light.

  16. Yes to all of this! Running has definitely enhanced my life in more ways than I ever could have imagined!

  17. I'm glad I started running years ago. I've had a lot of fun adventures and running has taught me a lot about myself. I hope I have many more years of running to go!

    1. I hope too that you have many more years of running ahead of you!

  18. Running has certainly given me more fun adventures too, like running with a group in the dark and in pouring rain. Not something I would ever have seen myself doing before I ran!

  19. You are right - running is so much more than fitness and weight loss. For me, it has expanded my social circle so much, for which I am very grateful for.

  20. All so true! I love the way running changes people for the better :)

  21. I love this post! And agree with all of it! Running is so much more than fitness.

  22. Yup, a cortisone shot at the orthopedic surgeon's, PT, a chiro, a masseuse, tell me again why they say all you need is a pair of sneakers?

    Running has gotten me back outside since I moved inside after I started working. I was outside all the time playing sports, then work took over my life.

  23. Raise a glass to this, and cheers. Running has given me a life that I could never have imagined, and I am so thankful.

  24. I agree with all of this! While I've been really lucky and haven't had a ton of injuries, running has definitely made me more aware of my body's strengths and weaknesses, where I excel and where I can improve, both mentally and physically.

  25. I love this so much!! It's all so true! :)

  26. I've also had many adventures thanks to running and it's so true...I never had all these injury problems until I started running!

  27. I've met some amazing people through running. It's been an amazing adventure, even if I hate running sometimes. Lol ;)

  28. So very true & so true about the injuries & drs, too! And massages. And foam rollers . . .

    Although I always loved being outdoors when it's nice, and have been a walker forever.

  29. the running community is honestly the best-I love meeting people through running!

  30. Running is such a wonderful thing! I'm so thankful for it, for doors it's opened in so many ways.

  31. Running truly does give back what we put in, and it has given me SO much. I especially love that it has turned me from a person who never exercised into the person who inspires and encourages OTHERS to exercise. It's a great feeling!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.