
What's your Holiday training routine?

Last week was sort of a tough one. Not mentally tough or physically tough, but just tough sticking to my schedule. Like most of you, I am a creature of habit. I actually get a little annoyed when I have to adjust my schedule.

Let's start with Monday. Monday is always my gym day but I had parent teacher conferences at school so I had to stay late. I didn't get to go to the gym.

Tuesday I did get to go to the gym.

Wednesday I got done with work at 12:30. I thought I could get in a nice long gym work out (since it would be closed Thursday and Friday) but of course plans have changed. We decided we would get a head start on our holiday traveling, so we left town as soon as I got home from work.

Thursday morning I did get a short run in with my nephew. It was only a little over a mile, but hey it was something.

Friday it was gorgeous out! I decided that it was a perfect 60 degree day to do my long run. Why should I have to wait till Saturday, right?

 EXCEPT, I got roped into putting the christmas lights up. By the time we got done, I knew I didn't have 2 more hours of daylight left to do the long run. I guess I'll do it Saturday.

Saturday came and it was rainy. I said I would go when it cleared up. It never really did but it got to the point where it stopped raining but was gloomy. I had a baby shower to go to later and again didn't think I'd have enough time to do the run and come back and get ready.

Sunday was the day I was going to run for sure. But then I was really lacking motivation and quite honestly I was afraid to go take a long run after only having worked out once that week. I had some encouraging words from a runner friend about just getting out there and doing it! I didn't listen though. My fear got the best of me. I stayed in and did some online shopping!

Okay, now Monday was starting a new week. I was gonna kick last week to the curb and start fresh.
I got up early and had a great LONG workout at the gym. I then met my sister and did 4.5 miles through town while working on our #runchat scavenger hunt. I had a blast. Our run was so much fun and it really felt good to get out there!

As much as I hate to deviate from my planned runs/ workout routines, I know that I can pick up and start over because Monday is always a new week. I just don't want to make a habit of it. I'd like to blame it on the wonky holiday week when no one is sticking to their usual schedule (even the gym), but I don't know if that is entirely true. I just hope I can maintain some sort of regular schedule during Christmas break. How does your work out schedule change during the holidays?   Or doesn't it?


  1. My routine is going to be crazy this month, but I am really determined to get some kind of workout in each day, even if it is just going for a short walk.

    1. Yes, short workouts are better than none at all, right?

  2. My routine has been non existent lately! I need to get back to it because i start training for a full in January!

  3. It definitely changes when I have off school for an extended period of time for a holiday. I workout later, and I do a little bit more because I am well rested and have the time to do it.

    1. I like non school days cus I can go to the gym earlier and stay as long as I want ( if it's not a holiday and the gym is open).

  4. I have the worst time staying on my routine during the holidays!! most of the time the comfort of doing things with my family seems like it would be a bigger pay off... and in PA, with this dreadful weather for 4 months of the year, it's even harder to get out there and run!! especially after a long day at work!

    I keep telling myself to sign up for a race, so I can get back in the training mode.

    good luck with staying on your training schedule!!

    1. I told myself this was the last year i'm training for something in the winter! But I said that last year too!

  5. Since I'm moving, starting a new job and all that fun stuff, I have no clue what my workout schedule will look like this next month which should make the Disney marathon in January very interesting...haha!

  6. Mine definitely changed last week because my family came into town. But i'm back to it this week!

  7. I try to stick with my normal schedule as much as possible. I did rest last week, and even though I thought about running on Saturday, it didn't happen. I haven't run since my 5k but today will change that.

  8. I'm totally off any kind of plan but I like it that way because I'm on one the entire rest of the year. I'm still getting workouts in, but my runs are shorter and I focus more on strength and swim. I see it as a nice change.

  9. I'll admit, it's definitely hard to stick to a training schedule during the holidays! I try as best to tweak it week to week as I can. Way to get out there and get it done on Monday!!

  10. Sticking to a routine during the holidays is always so difficult. I try not to get too hard on myself when my busy schedule gets busy, especially if it includes late days at school.

  11. I have a training plan that I have to enter my workouts in daily and that seems to keep me on target. It is hard to get it in during the holiday season though. I am trying to figure out when to get mine in today since I have a million errands to do and we are going out tonight!

  12. It totally changes during the holidays - so much to do, so many places to go.
    & dogs to love on (or wrap up in lights) - love that picture :)

  13. holidays dont mess up my plans as much as traveling. thats the tough one for me because when i travel for work i never know if a meeting is going to run long and if ill have time to hit the hotel gym after. your right though, its a new week to start over and get it done!

  14. This has been my life the last couple weeks! I can't seem to get into a routine and I'm worried because we are going on a 7 day Christmas cruise and I have the Disney Marathon in a couple weeks. Eeeeeekkk!

  15. I have a hard time sticking to a schedule during the holidays too because we're always traveling at this time of year. I do my best but try not too sweat it too much if things don't go according to plan. It's also easier since it's the beginning of a training cycle for me and my long runs aren't really long yet. I would be much more worried about sticking to plan if I was doing an earlier race.

  16. The holidays do make it tough-- but I agree.... you just have to go with it!

  17. Starting fresh after a setback is the perfect strategy, and something I need to improve on. I find that when I have an off week, even on vacation when I plan to have an off week, it's so hard to get back into the groove. I think I just need to commit to getting back on the horse if I fall off! Holidays aren't a huge challenge for me, luckily, because I don't travel and have a lot of time off from work.

  18. I generally love having my routine to fall back on during the craziness of the season. I will say that, this time, I'm actually glad that we aren't traveling so that I can be in total control of my workout environments and what I can do (in order to accommodate the injury).

  19. This post is so symbolic of my life! My workout routine ends up being really fluid because things ALWAYS come up. But I think the flexibility is a good thing because it keeps us on our toes to mix things up and adapt. Great way to make lemons out of lemonade, right?

  20. I did OK during Thanksgiving week, but find myself very unmotivated this week. I guess that's just part of it.

  21. I find that even on my days off I tend to have aa full schedule!

  22. It can definitely be tough to stick to a routine while traveling and celebrating the holidays. I also get frustrated about moving things around, but I think its good to change things up once in a while. And like you said, there is always a new week to get back on track!

  23. Holidays are tough! The travel is tough! We will be gone the next 2 weekends and I am already fretting. No long run for 2 weekends? UGG! Do I try to add a mile or two to my other runs during the week? I am starting to panic a bit!

  24. The one thing that does not go by the wayside for me are my workouts! If I get my runs in, then everything else falls into place.

  25. I get super stressed and panicky if I have to deviate from my normal routine at all. This week is challenging but I always get my workouts in!

  26. Oh man, I hate when my schedule and routine gets all out of whack!! My kids and husband are going to be home from the 21st-3rd, my anxiety is already kicking in. Haha!!

  27. I would love to get and stay on a consistent workout regime but it just doesn't seem to work out that way. I don't like when I "excuse" my workout away and end up with low weekly mileage but it happens all the time! You are right though. We can always have a fresh start and shoot for a better week although, for me, it will definitely get worse over the holidays. So much to do!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.