
Running the Tussey Mountain Relay

There are so many things that I am looking forward to this fall but the one thing I am especially looking forward to is participating in the Tussey Mountain  50 miler Relay Race in October.
 Several years ago I ran this race with members and instructors of the gym when I worked there and we had so much fun. This summer when I started teaching classes at the gym again I had the opportunity to become part of the team. Of course I accepted. There are so many great things about this race. Their motto is "Just for the hill of it"

1. The terrain. Yes it is very challenging as it is straight up the mountain with much elevation, but it is mostly on a dirt road which is much easier on your legs than a road race. What goes up must come down, so the second half of the race isn't as bad as the first half. 

2.The weather is usually perfect during this time of year for the race. The trail is mostly shaded so you do not get the direct sun on you. 

3.I have always wanted to do a Ragnar Race, but this ultra is great since it is only one day and there is no restless sleeping in a van.

4. One of the things I like about being part of an Ultra is the aid stations. So much better than at a marathon. In addition to water and Gatorade, they have snacks such as gummy bears, swedish fish, pretzels, and even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Some of the aid stations are only for the Ultra runners (that are doing all 50 miles by themselves).

5. Finally, it is just fun. There is 7 of us that do about 2 legs each. We get shirts made that say, "We run for Fun" because that is why we do it. There is no pressure with this race..

Have you ever Participated in an Ultra or Ultra Relay? -L

We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5!


  1. This sounds like such a wonderful relay! I've only done one and it was Ragnar but doing one that is over in 1 day would be way cool! Have a great time. I will look forward to your recap plus pics!

  2. I love this idea! Sounds like a really fun race...and I like that no one is sweaty and sleeping in a van! Aide stations with real it even more!! :)

  3. This sounds like a great relay! I can't do ragnar because of the headlamp thing that is required, but a one day relay...perfect. When exactly is the race, and what state is the Tussey mountain?

    1. It is October 25th in Pennsylvania. It is very close to St. College

  4. I do love my Ragnar but this looks like a fun way to start to see what it would be like. Hope you enjoy!

  5. That sounds like a lot of fun! I've done Ragnar once and it was awesome!

  6. Sounds like a blast! I've been meaning to check out Tussey Mountain some time. Looks gorgeous. Good luck!

    1. It is a beautiful run. Especially with the fall foliage this time of yr.

  7. It sounds like a fun challenge. Good luck, and the weather should be great. Since it's late October, you could go for a Halloween theme to add to the fun.

    1. Haha idk about that. I'm sure we will come up with something fun to wear though.

  8. Sounds like a great race! I've done 2 Ragnars and am a huge fan. The right group makes all the difference. Have a great time!

  9. this sounds like such fun! i really want to do a ragnar. i've done a marathon relay (north face) and it was such fun!

    1. I would like to do a Ragnar race someday too. I bet the North Face one was awesome.

  10. I don't think I have ever heard of this race. But mountain running, yes please!!! This sounds like one of those that I bet a lot skip the relay part and do the full 50 themselves (or maybe thats just a Utah way of thinking lol lol)
    Have an awesome time, good race, good friends =great times I am sure!

    1. There are alot that do the whole 50 miles themselves. Maybe someday. I need to start w a 50K first.

  11. I like the idea of it just being 1 day... & it does sound like fun!
    Cant wait to hear all about it!

    1. There will be no restless sleeping in a van. So one day wil be perfect.

  12. I'm the weirdo who relays don't appeal to...which means, watch for me to be doing one in another few years. ;)

    1. They are alot of fun. You should definitely try on out sometime. I'm sure you would just need a little convincing:)

  13. Oh you will have a blast doing this race. I have only done road race relays with one other person. However, I did just sign up to be part of a 50k relay team for a race sometime this fall. Can't wait to read about your experience.

    1. I am looking forward to it. Relays are always so much fun.

  14. Now an aid station with PB&J sounds like my kind of station! Sounds like a neat race I'd be interested in. Can't wait to hear how it went!

    1. I think the aid stations are always better in ultras. Everyone has to refuel more:)

  15. Just for the hill of it. Bahaha. Love it. I've never really thought about joining an ultra relay, but people seem to love them. I'm sure it'll be a fun experience!

    1. Yes they are. I always get a kick out of that saying as well.

  16. This sounds really fun, and beautiful in the mountains too! I am so exploring your site, since I have never visited- you and your sister are so lucky to have eachother and your love of running to share- this is just FUN!

  17. The relay sounds awesome! Have a great time. I have always wanted to do a relay race - maybe next year I will finally get to do one!

  18. This sounds like so much fun! I'm doing my first relay race in April and I'm really looking forward to it (even though I'm stuck with running the two longest legs :-P).

  19. Yes I have done 2 ultras and 1 ultra relay! I enjoyed all 3 a lot! Oh, fun fact: My older brother got 2nd or 3rd place at Tussey one year!

  20. Sounds fun!! I'm getting ready to do Ragnar DC next week! So excited!! And the restless sleeping is all part of the fun experience!

  21. I like the aid stations at ultras, too. Oranges are one of my favorites. If I'm not careful, I could hang out at the AS for awhile, though, and forget I'm racing!

  22. That sounds like a fun race! I so much want to do a relay like that- enjoy!

  23. Excited for you! Love the motto--just for the hill of it. Ha!

  24. Yeah, I would love to do theory...but the lack of sleep could really hurt me. This sounds perfect!

  25. I have never done a relay. On my bucket list for sure.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.