
a 5K and Why I couldnt hold the sign

One of our dear friends, who will be joining us at RnR this year and running his first Disney race in 2016, decided to do a local 5k this weekend. I was asked to run too, but I thought it better to sit it out and just be a spectator instead.

This is the same friend that was going to do the Bad Ass Virtual Race with Lacey last month but as you may remember, they were not able to run together. In any case, he decided to wear the Bad Ass  shirt for this official 5K race.  If you don't remember why we call him "Bad Ass", you can read about that HERE .

Anyway, we should share that the reason he could not run the virtual race last month was because he had unexpectedly had surgery on his jaw and had his mouth wired shut for two weeks. Yes, he could not eat solid foods for two weeks, so to say his nutrition was probably suffering was an understatement.

Anyway, he wanted to do the local 5K and I said I would go cheer him on. My neighbor was also running so I wanted to cheer for her too!

I told him that I would make a sign for him. I wasn't sure just what I wanted to say, so after doing a little Googling of race signs, I came up with something to write.

At the last minute, Scott decided that he wanted to go to the race too. He took one look at the sign that I made and promptly reminded me that the race started in front of an elementary school and that it wasn't appropriate for me to be holding the sign that I made.  I totally forgot about that. Perhaps he was right.

Pretty soon the runners were off and we waited near the finish line. we figured our friend would come in around 25 or 26 minutes. He had ran 5K's before and that around what his time usually was.

We were starting to get worried when we didn't see him. A few of our other friends had finished and had told us that the hill on the course was a killer.  I thought perhaps he was just feeling drained due to lack of nutrition, but Scott had to make a joke and say that maybe he got pulled off the course because his shirt was inappropriate! Funny!

He did finish strong and we were proud of him for running the race.

And since he was already wearing an "inappropriate" race shirt, I made him hold my sign for a picture ( after the race), since I didn't get to hold it on the side

It was definitely a beautiful day for a race and I'm really sorry that I didn't get to run, although I'm sure my knees are glad!  There are several other local 5K's coming up this summer and I am SO hoping that I can be strong enough to do one of them .

Do you have any local 5K's coming up that you will be running or spectating at? -M


  1. lol... I love the sign but it was probably a good decision not to hold it up in front of the school :) I have a local 10k this weekend and a 5k later in the month. Hopefully your knee will improve enough for you to do one of the 5ks this summer.

  2. Ricky threatened me about that shirt. I wanted to wear it to church Friday as a joke :) haha
    I have the Color Run this weekend... looking forward to it because I wont feel bad in a sea of walkers :)

  3. Wow, your friend really is BAD-ASS. That must have been so difficult to have jaw surgery and not be able to eat solid foods for two weeks. Yikes!

    LOL at the "inappropriate" sign!!! And your knees definitely deserve the break from all the pounding. I think it was very smart for you to sit this one out. Spectating is always a blast, too!

  4. Cute sign, but I agree with your choice not to hold it in front of the school.
    Congrats to your friend!
    I know its hard but I bet your healing so the sacrifice of not running now and missing out on a few races will be worth it.

  5. I might run the locak 5k but I am nervous b/c it will be 100 degrees!

  6. Love that sign! Perfect for your friend :) I'm doing a local 5k this weekend and I'm so excited. It was actually the first race I ever ran when I was 8, and I haven't run it in years! It's a really small race and it's held on Friday night, so I can't wait to run it :)

  7. Hahaha -- that's pretty funny!

    We have a 4 miler on the 4th of July, but our summer is so hot that I'll be ridiculously slow. But it's all in good fun.

  8. Haha funny. I'll be running a womens 5K in Baltimore this month.

  9. Ha! That's funny. I probably would have held the sign and not even realized it may be inappropriate. Lol!

  10. Our summer series started this past Saturday and I am using it to gage my speed work- this summer I am getting under 30!!!!!

    1. I'm anxious to see if my 5K time will remain under 30 once I get back at it!

  11. hehe, I love the shirt, AND the sign!!!!! I need to start working on my 5K/10K speeds this year...just need to get through this marathon first, and then it will be more about speed for me.

  12. Inappropriate ones are always the ones everyone remembers though...hehehehe

  13. Ha! This made me laugh! I love that you were there to support him even when you couldn't run yourself.

    1. I was kind of sad that I couldn't run, but then after hearing about those hills, that sadness went It was nice to just watch my friends run though.

  14. Kudos for going out to cheer on your friends! It is sad when you can't run but you are on the road to recovery! It's so hot here there aren't many races now.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.