
A Peek in Our Week

This is where we do a little recap of how our week went down.

This week went by SO fast that it seemed like it was one big blur.  I had the house to myself this week so I had plans to get SO much accomplished but that didn't really happen. -M

In the midst of all the busyness, I did manage to continue to ride my bike for a good portion of the week even if it meant getting up early and ridding a few miles before I started work. I have been more relaxed about the stretching this week which I know is BAD. I chalk this up for being pressed for time, but that is no excuse when it comes to your health and well being. -M

Speaking of health and well being. I start my first personal training session tomorrow. You may remember me saying that I was finished with physical therapy, well now I am going to the same place to work with a trainer. Apparently I'm going to learn new stretches and how to do different things with the equipment. From what it sounds like,  it seems to me that these are the things I should have been learning while in physical therapy, right? But seeing that I'm in the situation I'm in, I'll never turn down an opportunity to get help ! -M

One of the most fun things I did this week was some fashion writing. I have always wanted to write for a catalog and give descriptions of clothing.  Well, I didn't get to do it for an actual catalog, but I did do it for a website called Shoptiques.

 I got to go through all these clothes and accessories, give them names and write a fancy description like " No trip to the beach is complete without this polyester blend cover up with seashell detailing". (that's not really what I wrote, but you get the picture).
Coming up with creative names for some of these items was harder than I thought. I did go to Instagram and get some advice though. I couldn't think of anything for this top but every time I looked at it I thought of the Jungle Cruise for some reason, so that is what I ended up naming it. Jungle Cruise! -M

Remember me saying that I was going to do the Bad Ass 5 mile run sponsored by Gone For A Run with my "Bad Ass" Friend?  We had plans to run together and then finish at our favorite park where my sister was going to create a faux finish line and give us our medals. Well, things didn't go quite as planned and we didn't end up running together.  Because our schedules just didn't seem to match up, I ended up doing all 5 miles by myself. I just did my normal route around town and back.

It was just me, my Garmin and my ipod and I took it pretty easy. It was nothing special and I'm sorry I don't have anything fun to report back about it. Maybe next time.   -L

It has been super hot here lately and I have been loving every minute of it. Has it been hot where you are? Is it humid? If so, you may love our AWESOME GIVEWAY we'll have up tomorrow. We'll be participating in another Giveaway hop with Kristy from Runaway Bridal Planner and several other bloggers. Be sure to visit back tomorrow to see what all the cool giveaways are! -L

Tell us something cool that you did this week? Have you been keeping up with your workouts during this hot weather?


  1. I haven't been great about stretching lately and I'm starting to pay for it! I did the BadAss 5 miler, but I tried to make it a race. I did get a PR out of it, so there's that...

  2. Oh my gosh the humidity just arrived in Nova Scotia and it totally bombed my weekend runs. :S I have to adjust since it has went from freezing here to scorching hot!

  3. I have no doubt I'd have a hard time coming up with cute names for clothing items. LOL. I'm interested to hear how the personal training session goes. I hope you get a wealth of information!

  4. Oh I bet you came up with awesome names:) for those clothes. I did not know you were doing personal training, I think that is great. Although I agree, that they should have just done in your PT sessions. I remember when I did that in mine, and I learned a lot! Either way, it's going to be highly beneficial for you.
    It amazed me how much I was over stretching and how all you have to do is wait for that tiny pull, any more of a stretch makes the injuries worse. Plus, they are awesome to help you know correct positions and posture to get the most out of it. I think it's going to be great knowledge for a long running future (as soon as your darn injury heels:)
    Congrats on your Bad Ass 5 mile run, sometimes the garmin and tunes and ourselves can make for the best runs, even if friends were planned for it:)
    We just started getting into the upper temps here, we had so much rain the past few weeks. I think this week will be near 90's and knowing Utah it's just going to get hotter and hotter:) Gotta love summer! We don't get humidity here, not really, but I know that can really add to the temps so I hope you get a break from it soon!

  5. The humidity has been awful, it's like we skipped spring and went straight to summer!
    Sounds like the virtual 5k was fun :)
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  6. I end up stretching after dinner when I'm watching my shows. I can still watch when I'm stretching on the floor.

  7. that sounds like a fun writing assignment! When I have the house to myself I never everything I planned to get done finished, I don't know what happens!

  8. I also try to do stretching whenever I can, like at my office in between meetings. I think even a few minutesof stretching helps. Have a great week!

  9. I'm terrible at stretching... I have streaks where I'm really on the ball with it and then completely let it fall by the wayside. I'm a PT tech and the therapist I work for and I were talking about how I've been having a little bit of trouble with my knee and she asked how good I am with stretching to which I just smiled because I help people stretch all the time and know the importance but I just neglect it sometimes. Today though, I did good so time will tell if I can keep it the haha


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.