
Saying Good-Bye to Runner's World and Seeing Our Story Published

Welcome to another edition of Thursday Thoughts. Today I have Runner's World on my mind.

 I am the first to say that I LOVE Runner's World. I have got some wonderful opportunities because of them including being invited to their headquarters, participating in their blogger events, free products, and opportunities to get paid for my writing.  I love the magazine and even loved seeing my little picture in it, (in this issue).  But as we approach spring (hopefully), I really need to do some de-cluttering.  I am ashamed to admit this, but I haven't read the last few issues of my Runner's World magazines. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just that it's been so hard for me to find the time lately. With that being said, I did not renew my subscription. Sorry Rodale Press :(   I have discovered that my library is now offering free downloads of magazines for mobile devices so if I ever get some free time, I may take a look at that.

I have also had to unsubscribe to all the Runner's World emails I have been getting. I get like 10 emails a day JUST from Runner's World on how to lose weight, get faster, train better, etc.  I just can't keep up with them.  Apparently I am on the mailing list for Running Times too so sadly I had to unsubscribe to that as well. Apparently both of these un-subscriptions have not really kicked in yet because I am still getting emails.

I also subscribe to Women's Health magazine which I have not read in FOREVER, so I am sure that subscription will stop shortly too.

Meranda Steel  Lacey Balliet

Speaking of Magazines, it was great to see our story published in this one. I know there are plenty of people out there that have heartfelt stories about the Boston Marathon bombing so we were so grateful  and honored to have had ours published.

Maybe I need to organize my day better so I can have a little reading time or something because lately I feel like I am just spinning my wheels trying to get things done.  I think this is because I have been spending all my time on a work project and the results yield little rewards so of course I spend a lot of time on it yet feel like I am getting no where.   -M

What magazines do you subscribe to?  When do you find time to relax and read?


  1. I subscribe to a few magazines and actually love getting them in the mail. When I can make the time to sit down with a cup of tea and just flip through them (or on the beach!) I love it. What I do not love is the ridiclious amount of emails I get from them so I usually unsubscribe from those asap!
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  2. I have a huge pile of Runner's World magazines that I am going through after collecting them for the last few years. As a new runner in 2011, I thought I should read everything I could get my hands on. Now I pick and choose and as you pointed out, most everything can be read on the internet.

  3. I subscribe to about five magazines (I lucked out and got free subscriptions). But it's funny how now that I actually have a subscription, I never find time to read them. Seriously the only time I read them is when I'm traveling on a plane.

  4. I used to have magazine subscriptions, but I never had time to read them either, so it was just a waste of money.

  5. I have a huge pile of magazines sitting on the floor in the corner of our home office waiting to be read. They usually pile up for months at a time, and then I make the time to read them, whether its taking some on an airplane with me or taking a bunch to the beach or pool.

  6. I stopped my subscription awhile ago for similar reasons, now i just read articles online. I get so many emails from them- and they are always the same things! I haven't gotten off the list yet, but I should probably do that! I do love the magazine and reading their articles but I could do without the constant email advertisements.

  7. Too darn many, LOL!!! Between food, wine and fitness magazines I just can't keep up!!!

  8. I unsubscribed to most of my paper magazines too because they just ended up sitting around and creating clutter. It ends up being easier for me to keep up with things in digital format and I can read articles here or there when I have a free couple minutes on the computer or ipad.

  9. Congrats on getting your story published! Was it in the current issue of RW? I didn't see it. I need to check again. I have a very bad habit of reading while I'm eating, so that's when I read my magazines. I would definitely unsubscribe if I wasn't reading them, though. I also get Women's Health but will let that subscription lapse. It's too sensational for me.

  10. I never had a subscription to RW but I stopped reading a couple years ago. I wasn't making the recipes and their website would have the in-depth stories that I would read. now that I have experience, I don't feel like I need to buy running magazines all the time.

  11. I understand your dilemma completely! So many magazines, so little time. It's great that your library offers free downloads!

  12. My husband reads the RW & other mags when he's in the bathroom LOL!! I think he'd miss having magazines in there! I actually don't read it as much as I should, but I got a deal online for RW for $5 a year, so I bought like 5 yrs worth. I will be getting it for a long time. I did cancel some other magazines I used to get. Sometimes you just need to get 'clutter' out of your life.

  13. I LOVE Women's Running magazine but I HATE they changed their font - its so small now :(

  14. I get Runners World with my CARA membership. And I have 4 issues sitting on my nightstand, unread. I get it. So do they, because they are cutting back on their publication schedule.

  15. That is so awesome your story was published.
    I too am actually waiting for my subscription to expire later this year. Libraries offer almost all online magazines free to view online now which is really nice. But like you I haven't read my last issue yet and it just seems a waste.

  16. I'm just like you and have subscribed to magazines and rarely find myself reading them. I currently have a subscription to Runner's World, Cosmo and Shape. I'll be letting them run out and not resubscribe.

  17. I haven't read RW is months (I run-fessed to this not long ago). I had a few minutes this weekend and tried to look at the latest issue. The article are difficult to distinguish from the ads! When did this happen? I don't like the new style at all. I put it back down. Congrats on your story!!

  18. Runner's World gets kind of repetitive. I've had a subscription to Entertainment Weekly for a very long time and I was just thinking that I may not renew when it comes up again. With the internet, everything is really online anyway.

  19. I am down to only receiving RW - I've let all of our other magazine subscriptions run out. If I don't read RW from cover to cover within a day or two of getting it in the mail, I don't end up reading it. Maybe times have changed, what with computers and iPads and such - it's not that I don't read, but I have other ways of reading? And yes, RW's constant emails get old.

  20. i subscribe to quite a few magazines, all i got for free-my favorites are women's day and entertainment weekly. i subscribe to runner's world but on my kindle. i always forget about it and then binge read it on a random weekend.

  21. I know exactly what you mean. I always hate looking around and seeing all the unread issues. I subsrcibe to 5 magazines, some of which were gifts and its crazy! I love to read them in the bath or after my long runs on Saturday.

  22. I get the bajillion daily emails too and have tried to unsubscribe a million times with no luck. Let me know if you figure it out.

  23. You know, I take about 5 different magazines and I rarely have time to read them all! I think I'm like the guy who buys a boat but never takes any time off work to use it - I buy things for the life I WISH I had, instead of the one I actually have;). Smart to pare down and in the meantime you're making a great environmental choice!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.