
A Running Costume in the Making ( and Guess what the new one will be)

It's no secret that we enjoy dressing up for Disney races. It's kind of fun to see what we can create from things we already have lying around the house or from pieces we've worn from previous races.

Run Disney costume

For instance, I created this "Snow White" inspired outfit last summer with the intentions of wearing it for Mickey's Haunted 5k Trail Run in October.  Instead, I wore something different for the race and the "Snow White" outfit for an evening at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party.

Since I never officially wore that outfit to race in, I thought it was fair game to wear again to the Princess 5K in February so that is just what I did.   Here is a little bit of how I turned what I had around the house into a simple "Snow White" running outfit.

1. You'll need a solid blue shirt. I had a short sleeve one that I had from the previous summer. It was just a Danskin training shirt I picked up a Wal-mart for less then $10.

2. Even though this is a short sleeve shirt, I felt the sleeves were a little long so the first adjustment I made on the shirt was to hem the sleeves to make a "cap" sleeve.

3. Since I originally made this outfit to run the 5k in, I wasn't sure how I would feel about the high collar up on my neck so I made the decision to make the collar lay flat.  To make the collar I took a piece of thicker paper (like as thick as a postcard) and made a collar pattern out of it. I actually made two of these. I then traced the pattern on to a piece of white fabric (double the fabric) and leave 1/2 inch around the outside of the pattern so you can sew the 2 pieces of white fabric together.  Since you will have 2 collars. you will do this process twice.  Sew the collar inside out half way, and then flip it right side in. You will then slip in the paper pattern that you made for the collar. This makes the collar more sturdy. The sew the rest of the collar up.

snow white DIY4. Attach the collar to the front collar of the blue shirt. The blue shirt was actually a V-neck shirt but now you can't tell because of how the two white collars are sewn on.

5. Get Blue and Red Ribbon. I had blue and red ribbon at my home already but I was worried because the ribbons were two different widths. It turned out that it didn't really matter. You do want thick ribbon though, not real thin stuff.  NOTE: The shorter your sleeves are on your blue shirt, the "poofier" your ribbons on your sleeves are going to look. You WANT  "Poof". That is the reason I made my sleeves shorter.  I have seen some people make the Snow White top with a tank top ( no sleeves) but that would require having to attach a band or some ribbon around you arm and I didn't know how that would turn out.

6. After attaching the ribbon to the sleeves,  I sewed on this yellow ribbon down the middle. That is not necessary to complete the look, but I thought my shirt needed a little something else.

7. Now to complete the outfit, Pair it with a yellow Rock City Skirt. You can have just a basic yellow (which is great if you plan to use the skirt again for another outfit), or you can get a yellow sequence skirt that has a little tulle overlay on it, which would be perfect if you want to wear it again for another "princess" outfit.

8. Other accessories: When I wore this outfit to the Halloween party, I wore it with blue ballet flats. of course when I wore it to race in I wore my running shoes. I also had this cute bow which was made by All Things Disney Bows.

In 50 Days I will be off to another Disney race, so I am going reconfigure this costume into something else.
I'll give you a hint, I'm keeping the blue shirt.   Any ideas what you think this costume might turn into for the next race?

Do you use pieces of old race costumes to make new ones?  -M


  1. You are so creative! I don't run in costume. For themed races, I do try at least wear a top that captures the theme of the race. Like last Saturday's race, I used it as an excuse to buy a green top.

    1. Thanks Wendy! I love that themed races are an excuse to dress up!

  2. Adorable! I haven't run in a costume, but I try to color coordinate :)

  3. So cute! I love the way your top turned out - so glad you were able to get some use out of it (for the party and the 5K)! I did the same with the sleeves on my snow white costume for last year's Princess Half! :)

    1. Thank you! I think this was my favorite costume so far!

  4. Very cute! Tower of Terror is the only race I've done in costume but for holiday races I try to at least have socks or a headband that go with the theme. I'm going to have to come up with a costume for Wine and Dine.

  5. Keeping with the blue shirt, I'd say Belle. I can come up with costumes, I just can't create them. I gave up on sewing years ago.

    1. Very Good Guess Lesley, but it's not going to be Belle. But I could see where I could do that costume very easily!

  6. This is an adorable costume idea and so easy! You could make this an Elsa shirt!

  7. LOVE this!!! Super cute and super functional!!! I am so envious that you are running Tinker Bell - you are going to have such a great time. My uneducated guess for your next costume would be Cinderella? She wears a blue dress, right!?!?!? But I like the Belle suggestion, too! I've never worn a costume to a Disney race but last year I was thinking very seriously about trying to dress up as Lilo. =D

    1. I did a Cinderella-ish costume last year for the Princess 5K ( Since it was Cinderella's race of Come to think of it, I didn't even wear a blue shirt. I think I need a re-do on my Cinderella costume!

  8. Blue? I'm thinking Elsa is up next???
    I love your Snow White transformation - that's really impressive

  9. Love it! I just did Snow White for the Enchanted 10k myself. I made some parts of my costume, though not as much as you! I also used a Rock City skirt, love it!

    1. Here's a link to how I put my costume together!

  10. This is so cute! I am not a costume runner but I love seeing all the awesome ideas people like you both have--so creative!!

  11. You are so creative! WOW! I love seeing the costumes- I admire the skill, not in my wheel house! I can't wait to see what you do next but I have NO idea!

  12. Making costumes for the Disney races is fun and your shirt turned out great. I don't think we are dressing up for Tink, but we haven't really discussed it yet.

  13. So you know I love all your costumes, but it is terrible to say, this one is one of my favorites.. So cute!!!! I think should I even decide to dress up for a race, I will be consulting you first:)

    1. This is my favorite too! YES please consult me because I would LOVE to help you put a costume together!

  14. You are so talented! I love your costumes!

  15. I've never run a costume-themed race but one day I definitely should. I can't wait to start signing up for more and more races like this, as i get more comfortable with racing in general.

  16. Very cute costume. I would love to make one for the tough mudder run later this year. I bet it will be a attention getter.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.