
Why I wasn't always a happy runner in 2014

In 2014 my sister has ran 4 full marathons, 3 halves, 1 10K, 2 5Ks and a mile. I on the other hand ran 3 half marathons, 1 ten miler, 1 11K, 1 10K, 3 5Ks, and a mile. In total we have earned 26 medals. I know it doesn't sound like it adds up but some of those were challenge races. That was the good part of 2014.

If you have been a reader of our blog for a while now, you may know that I started the year of with a terrible case of ITBS. I struggled through Princess half marathon weekend in February. I went to a sports chiro and PT faithfully for 12 weeks in hopes that I would be up and running in time for my first marathon which would have been Big Sur in April. I did all the exercises and stretches yet Big Sur never happened for me. I was also diagnosed with Bursitis. After being prescribed a round of cortisone shots, I could feel some healing starting to take place.

At the end of the Summer I stupidity decided to run the VA beach half marathon. I worried I wasn't healed completely so decided to take it slow. Turns out I experienced very little pain during that race. At this point I knew I was well on my way to healing.

The Disney Tower of Terror 10 miler was the one race that I knew I really knew I wanted to "race" for time this year. Surprisingly I was able to run that race at my "true to me" race pace and had no pain! I truly thought I was back to my old running self.

Then came the half marathon in Las Vegas. The day before I was feeling some pinching in my knee, sort of like the ITBS was on its way back. I worried about how the race would go, but again, no pain and I was running that race at my "true to me" pace!

So now here I am preparing for the biggest race yet in just a few days ( the goofy challenge) and as of last Friday I couldn't even get more than 5 miles in. Remember yesterday I said I went out for 10 on Friday and only did 5? That's because it's back! That pinching knee pain and the lingering ITBS. To say I am sad and disappointed is an understatement. This is such a bad time for this to be happening. I just really wanted to get through the Marathon next month!

So in a nutshell, that is how my year of racing unfolded. I have ran longer distances this year, but I have also been injured a lot more too. This year was definitely a learning experiences and challenging to say the least.
Have you been battling an injury all year?

We are linking up with TOTR where the theme is the year in pictures. Unfortunately since my PC got wiped out I currently don't have race pictures to share but hope to recover them soon. To see more be sure to visit April at


  1. Oh sorry to hear this. I would recommend just doing a very good taper and really resting in order to give yourself the best shot. And get into the chiro for some emergency sessions!

    1. Yes! I was going to call for an appt today but it got too late. That is on my to do list right after Christmas!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you are hurting again Meranda! I know that feeling all too well and it's so frustrating. I have had a good year for injury, taking things slower and it has worked for me. I hope you can get healed soon!

    1. I had been taking things slow and it got better and then BAM! It's back!

  3. I also had a year of lots of injury management-so frustrating! Congrats on what you both achieved this year and happy injury free running to all of us for 2015

    1. Yes, wouldn't it be nice if everyone had an injury free 2015!

  4. Lots of good accomplishments in 2014, but it's sad to hear you had to battle an injury the whole year and now it's back. I'm sure it's incredibly frustrating, especially now, right before your first full marathon. I hope it gets better soon so that you can enjoy your marathon and have a good 2015.

    1. I had a good few months but yea, this is not good timing for my injury to come back!

  5. Oh man, I sympathize with you - it's so frustrating to feel "that" pain so close to a race. I'm from the "throw everything you can at it" school, because when you have such a special race, you WANT to do it, dang it! Here's hoping things turn around and you have not only a good race, but a pain-free 2015!

    1. Thank you so much Shelley! It is frustrating because I believe this will be my only marathon and for that reason I want to give it my best shot!

  6. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that the pain is back! I hope it lets up enough for you to finish/enjoy your race.

  7. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear the pain is back :( Hopefully rest between now and Goofy will help mitigate the pain and you can have a good race experience.

    1. Yup, I don't plan to run (very far) between now and goofy!

  8. Oh I do feel your pain! I know what helped, along with the chiro vista, is using a lacrosse ball and focusing on the spots all up and down the ITB. It hurt like crazy in the beginning but it's helping me keep it at bay now.

  9. So sorry you are dealing with this injury still. I definitely know how you feel. I've been battling a calf strain injury the past few months. It's not fun! Hope it gets better in time for Disney!

  10. Sorry to hear about your injury and that it's back. Hope it heals soon!!

  11. So sorry. Running injuries are the WORST!

  12. Too bad to hear about the pain. I will echo what others have said and focus on a good taper leading to Goofy. No need to risk making it worse. Showing up rested and healthy will probably be the best strategy.

  13. So sorry t hear about the running injuries- that stinks! 26 medals though sounds like a great year to me! Focus on the positive- good times ahead!

  14. That IT pain is awful. I hope it goes away for you before your race!

  15. Oh no!! I hope this is just a niggle and won't impact Goofy for you. Take the time to rest up during taper and get in some quality ART visits. Best of luck!

  16. Oh no! I hate to read that the pain is back, especially with Goofy just around the corner! And ouch on the PC!!! That's a nightmare for me because I use a Macbook from 2008 which I love but I know is slowing down and getting glitchy. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that your pinching goes away for you immediately!!! Thanks for linking up with us today!

  17. Oh no, girl! I'm so sorry to hear this!! :( To be honest with you, I still have achy ITBand issues from time to time, despite having taken a lot of time off of running and 8 weeks of PT. The foam roller (that really bumpy one) and KT Tape is what helps me the most. I really hope it's nothing serious and you're able to run without any issues! Crossing my fingers for you...keep us posted!

  18. Sorry to here this :( ITBS is the WORST--I had an easier time recovering from my stress reaction than the dreaded ITBS. I hope you get some good rest/treatment in during taper time and you're able to run the race. Good luck!!

  19. I'm sad to hear this. You know I'm in the same boat as you. :( I miraculously was able to run an 18-miler pain-free. I KT taped my knee and started with intervals as a warm up. But the day after Christmas, I struggled with 4 miles and had pain the entire time. My hope is to walk the marathon if I need to and if I can. :)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.