
5 Websites Every Runner Must Visit

Happy Friday Folks! As usual we are linking up with the lovely ladies, Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for another edition of the Friday 5.

Although this week's theme is "Blogs we love", we could never just share five great blogs. We read and enjoy so many more than that! So instead, we are going to share 5 great websites you might enjoy as a runner or fitness enthusiast.

1. : Running in the USA is a great sight to find races all around the country.  Just select your state and it will give you a list of races in your area. This is a great tool we use when we are free on the weekends and want to find a local 5K or some other racing event. You can also find running clubs and race results from this site!

2. :The Active Times is another great resource for runners and all outdoor enthusiasts. In fact, We were just invited to be a part of the Active Times Network and will be contributors to the site.

3. : The Daily Meal is a new to me site and I just love it. It is about everything food and drink. I could seriously spend A LOT of time on this site. They have lots of advice on how to eat as a runner/athlete.  A few topics they are featuring this week include Shopping at Trader Joe's, Healthy recipes, diet tips, tailgating tablescapes, how to be a great at home bartender, wedding drinks, and kooky cookie cutters. Any of these sound interesting to you?
4. Gone For a Run is hands down our favorite site to shop for all things running. They offer great gear and a lot of fun way to preserve those race memories. If you have never visited Gone For a Run you should do it right now, but be warned you will want to buy EVERYTHING!

5. : We learned about this site from our blogging friend Lauren ( who also has a great site so you should go check her out). Athlinks is the largest database of race results. Pretty much any race that you've run ( that had been chip timed), the result is saved in there. I think this it is an awesome site and I have referenced it often. I was excited to see that my very first race back in 2006 was still recorded here! Not that you would ever forget what your time was from a certain race, but just in case you did, you can look it up at this site!

Are any of these sites new to you? What is one of your favorite running sites?



  1. Yay for The Active Times shootout! I'm a part of their network and love it!

  2. Great take on the theme!! I will have to look at #2 and #3. I recently joined Atlinks in May - it is nice not tracking my results on a spreadsheet :)

    1. Yea, we were pretty excited to be introduced to that site!

  3. Just discovered the active times from this post and it looks like a great resource! Great list!

    1. Yes, there is so much info there. It is a great resource!

  4. I love Gone for a Run! One of my new medals racks is from their site. I can't wait to finally hang it up on our office!

  5. I've never heard of Athlinks or the Daily Meal. Thanks for sharing as these sound super helpful!

  6. I've only heard of a couple of these so I'll check them out today. I took a last minute vacation day from work :)

    1. Enjoy your day off work Lesley! Hope you are doing something fun!

  7. I'll definitely have to take a look at these, but I love RunningtheUSA. So useful to discover races.

    1. Yup! This is a great way to learn about those smaller races that aren't greatly advertised!

  8. I'd never heard of Athlinks. I'll definitely have to search it out one day. Thanks for sharing these.

    1. Athlinks is a wonderful resource for keeping track of your race results!

  9. I need to check out the runningintheusa site... when we go to Nashville, I'd love to jump in a fun run or small 5k in a new place.

  10. I love athlinks!! Will have to check out some of these other ones.

  11. The daily meal is new to me, heading over now to check it out. Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Be prepared to spend a bit of time there. They have some great articles!

  12. I remember when I discovered athlinks! I was so happy because if not for that, I would never remember all my race times. I even found races on there I forgot I ran!

    1. O my goodness, we thought athlinks was amazing when we first started using it!

  13. I've never heard of Daily Meal or The Active Times. Thanks for sharing your favorites!

    1. Oh, I could spend lots of time on the Daily meal!

    2. Oh, I could spend lots of time on the Daily meal!

    3. Oh, I could spend lots of time on the Daily meal!

  14. I haven't heard of a few of them, will definitely check them out. I love Athlinks!

  15. I need to go back to Gone for a Run and shop :) Well, need might be an overstatement. I only discovered Athlinks recently, pretty cool.

  16. I've heard about the rest of these, but never The Daily Meal! That sounds amazing, and I will definitely check it out. Thanks for a great list and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  17. So glad you posted Athlinks! I've been trying to figure out what that website it forever now. I've done a ton of races before I really thought too much about time and now I'm kicking myself for it :-)

  18. I haven't heard of the Daily Meal before...gonna have to check that out!

    Thanks for the shout out ladies!! :0)

  19. Thanks for the links! I can't wait to check these out.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.