
Running Like a Girl and Running WITH a Girl

We had a pretty exciting weekend around here. Remember when Simon and Shuster publishers sent me a copy of Alexandra Heminsly's book "Running Like a Girl"?  Well, That review was published this weekend!

I wrote that review last year when I had no injuries and upon reading what I wrote again yesterday, I realized that I should go back and re-read that book because she had some really good tips on how to deal with running injuries, including IT band syndrome.

Since returning from Disney, I for one have been extremely exhausted. My leg pain seems to be getting worse. I'm pretty sure that my hips are out of alignment again, but before I go back to the chiropractor I'm going to be making an appointment with the physical therapist this week.  I just don't understand why after 4 weeks ( at least) why I am not seeing any progress.

Lacey had just as an exciting weekend. She met up with Christine ( from We Run Disney) and they did 12.75 miles through First Landing State Park and then had a relaxing brunch afterwards. I can't wait to get back to my running routine so I can join them next time!

Hope you all have a great Monday!

What did you do this weekend? Have you read the book "Running Like A Girl"?


  1. Sorry to hear about your injuries. That is awesome about the your review! Which newspaper published it? (So I can go find it.) :D

    1. Thanks! Here is the link to the online version

  2. Great job on the review!! This weekend I worked and then watched the Oscars!

    1. Thanks! That's right, this weekend was a busy week for you at work wasn't it?

  3. Congrats on getting your review published. I will definitely be looking at that book later today! I am so sorry you are still having pain Meranda. Running injuries are no fun. The Princess weekend also wiped me out and with a race in two weeks, I plan to take it very easy with running and exercise. Coming home with a cold/sore throat from the trip did not help either.

    1. Hope you are getting over your cold/sore throat. Definitely relax and curl up with this book. It's a good one!

  4. That is awesome new about your review!! Congrats :0)

    I really hope your injuries start to heal soon...that has to be frustrating not feeling any improvement yet. *hugs*

    1. Thanks Lauren! I certainly don't have to worry about running in the cold though. I would be even more frustrated if it were summer and I couldn't run!

  5. Congrats on getting published, Meranda! What an accomplishment!

  6. I'll have to check out that book.
    Look at you - a published writer! :)

    1. It really is a good book! I hope the author is in the process of writing another one!

  7. It's just an awful injury isn't it? I might have to find this book to see what she says about it.

    1. Yes, it definitely is not fun. I'm going to be rereading that book myself!

  8. I'm sorry you're not healing. That's a bummer. Maybe it's time to try ART, or maybe do additional imaging, like an MRI, to make sure nothing else is going on. :(

    1. I am hoping that my doctor will agree to that ART treatment next time. I am hoping nothing else is going wrong, but it has been going on way too long without any relief!

  9. That's awesome! Congrats, Meranda! I hope you are able to receiver from your injuries soon. I'll have to check out that book. Sounds like a good read!

    1. Thank you! I hope I am back to running by next month because I have a few races I'm registered for!

  10. I definitely need more time TO read! Love Christine!

  11. Yay congratulations on the publication!!!

  12. That's so cool! I'll have to check the book out. Have you read Run Like a Girl by Mina Samuels? It's really good!

    1. I have not read that book. I'll look it up though! Thanks for the suggestion.

  13. It's been 4 weeks since my half marathon and I'm still having pain in my calf/shin too. I'm very frustrated. I'm waiting until after my trip next week to go in and have it looked at. So I get it...
