
Behind the Scenes of a Running Blogger Meet Up #Runnerslove

The Lovely Meg ( from Runaway Royalty) and Kristy ( from Kristy Runs Kato) hosted a #Runner's Love meet-up during the Princess Half Marathon weekend!

We felt so honored to be invited to this event. These gals did a wonderful job contacting vendor and setting everything up for this event!

We met on Friday afternoon at the Polynesian Resort. Things got started a little late because of some transportation issues. Apparently the Monorail stopped working during the afternoon hours on weekdays. I don't remember this ever happening before, not sure if it was just the time of year or what, but it was kind of an inconvenience for some people. Anyway, back to the meet up. Fortunately we were already staying at the Polynesian so all we had to do was leave our room and walk down to the beach.

We are kind of shy at first and not really ones to go right up to people. There were a few people who we thought we recognized but didn't want to approach in case we were wrong. We now regret that decision because we missed out on meeting some really great people!

Once the meet up got underway, the gift giving began! Let me just say Meg and Kristy worked their little buns off to give all of us runners some fabulous prizes.

                                                         Photo courtesy of Karen O
Meranda won an item from One more mile, which we had to go back to the expo to pick up the next day, and Lacey is showing a "Run" bracelet she received.

Lacey then won a prize bag from Gone For A Run  and inside were some fabulous products like the medal hanger and the bibfolio. Meranda was also given this cute Princess hat that Baylee is modeling from the generous folks at One More Mile.

We can not say enough how generous everyone had been! A huge thank you to all the vendors/companies who helped Meg and Kristy to make this event a success!

It started to rain near the end of the meet-up and we thought that would be a good time to exit because we had to be to a dinner reservation. We are sad that we missed meeting some of you who came afterwards!

So will there be a Meetup at the next Disney World event? Perhaps one during TOT weekend?

Have you ever been to  runner meet up or blogger meet up before?


  1. I can't wait to go to a runners love event! That photo of Baylee wearing the hat is adorable! I know they are hosting one at Wine & Dine later this year. If Kristy is able to get into the Nike Women's half in DC, they said they'll host one there as well!

    1. That sounds like so much fun! When is the Women's Half in DC?

    2. April 27th - I'm so excited. I would love to have a meet-up there!

  2. Are you ladies running TOT? If so, we should plan a meetup! I still to make hotel reservations!

  3. That was such a fun meetup. Meg and Kristy are so warm and funny. Impossible not to feel welcome - even with such a large group. Glad we got to meet you Meranda. I still feel so bad that I was so exhausted and out of it when we were chatting. Hope we get to hang out more at a future race. :) ~DB

    1. It was great to meet you guys too and I do hope to see you at other Disney events. Hopefully TOT!

  4. That sounds like SO much fun!!

    1. It was fun thanks to the hard work of Meg and Kristy!

  5. This looks like so much fun and a great opportunity to meet online friends in real life! We would love if there was a meetup for TOT weekend!

    1. Yes, I do hope there is a meet up for TOT, that would be great!

  6. how fun! the ladies from tutus and tennies would love to meet up next time! :)

  7. I would love to go to a blogger meet up like Blend. There is a running group in my neighbourhood and theres a couple of girls and we have girl dates, but we haven't had one in a long time. It's awesome to have runner friends though:)

  8. Thank you for the shout out with this post! I'm so glad you had a blast! It really was such a good time. I can't wait for the next one. We are definitely hosting one for Wine and Dine, both Kristy and I will be there. We have a brand new facebook group and that's where the event is located!

    LOVE those MudLOVE bracelets huh! I have to get myself one, but there are so many options I'm overwhelmed.

    Can't wait to see you two again <3

  9. I would love to do a blogger meet up! There are so many fabulous bloggers out there :)
