
Maui 5K and a Concert

Because of the winter weather last week my running was minimal! I only got 9.1 miles in and they were all done on the treadmill. Like many people, I have always hated the treadmill but I am now open to taking a new approach about it. We have a fabulous Nordic Track that I am going to make more of an effort to enjoy and use to the best of  IT'S ability.  This weekend I ran on one of the pre-programed courses. It was the Maui Taco 5K!
This was the longest it has ever taken me to run a 5K! ( For whatever reasons, it always takes me much longer on the treadmill to run the same exact distance outside). On this particular course the inclines and pace were already pre-programed.  I had never changed the incline on my treadmill before, so this was the first time I was running with it at a 6.5 incline. It was kind of fun using a pre- programmed course because I didn't really know what to look forward to. I didn't know when the pace was going to speed up or slow down.  I am now looking forward to really using the ifit function and running on some other courses!  Do you ever use pre programed routes on your treadmill? Which one is your favorite?

In other news, I got out on Saturday night and went to a concert. (I know these are horrible pictures)
The headlining act was Marc Cohn ( with special guest Paula Cole: You may remember her from her song which was the theme song from Dawson's Creek).  Marc Cohn is special to me because he sang our wedding song "True Companion". If you've never heard it, you should listen to it HERE. The first Christmas we were married, I got my husband tickets for one of his concerts and for years we talked about how that was one of the best concerts we had ever been too. It was in a beautiful theater and still felt like such an intimate setting.  As luck would have it, I was able to get tickets again to his show last Saturday! Again, it did not disappoint. I will never listen to "Walking in Memphis" in quite the same way again!

If you are married, what was your wedding Song?  If you are not married yet, what do you want your wedding song to be?


  1. Your treadmill has pre-programmed races?! That is pretty awesome. I have never heard of something like that before! 6.5 incline is pretty crazy for a 5K too - great job!

    1. Yea, I am anxious to see what other routes I can find! I never did an incline on the treadmill before, so 6.5 is impressive?

  2. I feel the same way you do about the treadmill! I feel it takes me longer to run on the treadmill than outside.
    Our wedding song was "When You Got a Good Thing" by Lady Antebellum. :)

  3. Glad i'm not the only one who feels the treadmill takes forever! I've never heard of that song but I bet it was lovely!

  4. Love the idea of pre programmed races! Must make the treadmill so much for interesting. And 6.5 is a TOUGH incline. Great job finishing it!

    1. Thanks Amanda. The TM is not as interesting as I hoped, but I am getting more use to it!

  5. That is so cool!! At first glance, I thought you went to HI and were running a race there!

    I agree, I hate the TM, and the speed seems off so much, that I have to run so much slower than I do outside, but the effort seems harder.

    1. Yes, I would rather be running in HI right now! I could agree more about the TM. More effort is put in and the results take twice as long!

  6. I get so hot and discouraged on the TM, but I think that a pre-programmed course might be good for me to not get discouraged so easily!

    1. Sometimes I just run on the TM for time and don't worry about how far I've gone. I know when I run outside I will have gotten in at least 3.1 miles in 30 min. I can't usually do 3.1 in less that 30 min on TM.

  7. My TM doesn't have pre-programmed settings, but I love the idea - sounds like a great way to mix things up a bit! We had two wedding songs - "Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole (our best man and sister sang it together) and our first dance song was "Lost In This Moment" by Big & Rich. :0)

    1. That is just beautiful that you had your best man and sister sing one of your wedding songs! That is so special!

  8. I am always slower on the treadmill and am truly impressed with those speedy treadmill shots I see on Instagram! I don't usually use the programmed runs, maybe I should try one out. :)

    Our wedding walk down the isle song, was "Hey Soul Sister," by Train. It was on a beach and was very pretty. :) Then we danced to "Swallowed in the Sea," by Coldplay. <3

  9. Love that you can do races on your treadmill! I could almost stand running on one if I had that kind of motivation.

    My husband and I got married at the finish line of a local race, the Tram Road Race in Palm Springs (where we met, actually. We did get to play our song though. It's "Are We in Trouble Now?" by Mark Knopfler. I still love hearing it:

  10. Hi, I saw you commented on my blog, wasn't sure how to comment back and make sure you saw it, so I came to you! I love my Altra's! Yes I wear 9, and had to go up to a 10, they run really small. New ones come out in Feb, hope I like them as much! I searched for shoes forever and none worked and I had severe problems. Once I found these all my problems went away! Yay! Thanks Carie from Letgo&runfree

  11. I don't run on a treadmill because I don't belong to a gym, but I love how the technology has changed so much to try and make it interesting.

  12. I just hate the treadmill! Maybe one of those preprogrammed runs would make it more tolerable, I'll have to give it a try!
