
My Great Finds: Summer Running Clothes

Earlier this week I saw a television commercial for $15 compression pants at Old Navy. It never crossed my mind to look at Old Navy for workout/running clothes, but I was intrigued. Since the weather has been getting hotter and hotter here, I needed to get some cooler running outfits. So on one of my rest days this week, I decided to stop by Old Navy and check out what they had.   

I was pleased with the selection. For every pair of shorts or pants, there were a variety of shirts in similar colors that matched.  ( I do like my running clothes to  match so I look somewhat put together).  They had longer tanks, blousy tanks, cropped tanks and sports bras.

I normally am not a huge fan of Old Navy Clothing but because they were having such good sales, I thought I would give them a try.  Here is what I decided on.

A cropped top regularly $16.50 for $8

Light weight running  shorts ( with built in bloomers) regularly $15 for $10

3 pair of Compression sock on sale for $3.90 each.

And although I won’t be wearing them anytime soon in this heat, I did get those compression pants for $15 that were regularly  $22.94.

My mom even got a really great running outfit as well.

When I was finished at Old Navy I continued to find great deals next door at Burlington. 

Here I found a purple New Balance top regularly priced at $23 for only $6.99.

Nike dry fit shorts regularly priced at $42 for only $14.99.


It may surprise you to know that I don’t really care for shopping and even more surprising that I don’t like shopping for clothes. But overall I feel I’ve had a successful shopping trip and am very pleased with my purchases.

Does the change in weather have you shopping for different running clothes?


  1. Nice finds!! I love bargain shopping!!

  2. Great deals, I don't like shopping much either.

  3. I love old navy's activewear. It's really the most affordable option out there. You got some great deals!
